Monday, 8 October 2012

Party Planning Tips for Parents by The Fabulous Party Planner

Try to start planning 6 weeks prior to the party. This much time isn't absolutely necessary, but it will enable you to pull the party together at a relaxed pace. Plus, planning this far ahead will allow you to hire a party planner to handle your event , instead of running all over town at the last minute. The biggest risk of waiting until the last minute is that some of your child's friends may not be able to attend due to other commitments and etc .

Before hiring a party planner for your child's birthday,these are what you should discuss with your partner first..


Before you do anything, you'll need a guest list.Decide who and how many guests you will invite.Family and friends will comprise the majority of your guests at baby's first few parties or until baby starts preschool or kindergarten. 
Once your child starts school, there will be a pool of kids to choose from. You can be brave and invite the whole class or just a select few. If you know a particular child is a trouble maker, don't invite said tormentor. An out-of-control kid will ruin the party and your child will be miserable. In this case, invite only a select few and no one will feel singled out or individually excluded.

Plan on some of the parents staying until your child is about six. This will either be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you feel about said parents. Good advice: if a parent decides to stay (reasons being many: their child could be too young to leave unattended, scared to be left without a parent or they just want to ...) put that parent to work. You aren't there to entertain a bunch of kids and their parents or you would have specified such. Give them something to do, something that helps you and let the party evolve.Until your child is about eight or nine, you will most likely be having children only parties.


If you don't have the room or the inclination to host the party at home, there are plenty of venues you can go instead, but you should book this type of party venue several months in advance if possible. Good places fill up quickly, especially those that can only host one party at a time. 


Deciding on a birthday party theme for your kids party can be a real chore. You want kid party themes that your child will love and you want the experience to be as stress and hassle free as possible.But don't worry,with The Fabulous Party Planner,we can suggest to you an age -appropriate theme for your child's birthday or for your own bash.


These are what you should list down and give the details to The Fabulous Party Planner at least a month before your child's birthday.An invitation should include all the basics -- address, date, time and the guest of honour, but there are other important nuggets that parents may be wondering about. Indicate if a child should be dropped off or if you'd prefer an adult to stay. (Dropping off usually begins around age 7or 8, but it's still a good idea to let your preference be known.) If parents do leave their children, get a phone number where they can be reached if there are any problems. Also note if you are serving food so people know if they need to feed their kids, and if possible, let them know what's on the menu to alert those parents who have kids with allergies. Include an RSVP date and don't feel funny about following up with a phone call if you don't hear back.


If your party is at home, it is important to have a beginning and ending time. Don't leave the party open-ended as it could confuse guests and not allow them to plan for the rest of the day. For parties for kids under 5, figure for about 90 minutes, two hours 30mins tops.

Finally, we all know that time is money and with the time you’ll save when hiring a planner, you should be able to invest it in what’s really important: having fun with the kids! And that is something some busy parents are all short of. After all, we can always make more money, but time is in limited supply. When it’s gone, it’s gone. Saving time to have fun with the kids on their birthday is priceless and is the best time that you and family can make memories together through pictures  and videos to show to your children when they grow up.

Contact us The Fabulous Party Planner for your kids birthday party! 

(Image for illustration purpose only)

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